Recession or Recovery? Ohio Business News

business (11)The economy is always news around our nation.  Small owners surveyed may not agree whether the economy is recovering, but there is certainly more optimism about a recovery than before.  Read the articles below to discover what is happening around Ohio, our economy and new happenings in business.

Recession or recovery? Ohio’s small-business owners split

Ohio small-business owners are split over whether the U.S. and Ohio economies are still in recession or recovering, according to U.S. Bank’s annual small-business survey.

The survey polled 3,210 small businesses, including 203 in Ohio, across 25 states where the bank provides small-business services. The survey found that 45 percent of the small businesses surveyed believe the U.S. and Ohio economies are in an economic recovery.

Northeast Ohio small business owners are more optimistic about growth than their peers nationwide

CLEVELAND, Ohio — Northeast Ohio small-business owners see more opportunities to grow than their counterparts around the state and nation, according to COSE‘s latest small business monitor survey.

Popular locally brewed beer returns to Ohio

Wiedemann’s Special Lager will make its Ohio debut at Arnold’s Bar and Grill on May 17.
The event will include a delivery of the ceremonial first keg of Wiedemann in a horse-drawn beer wagon by Jim Tarbell.

Gratitude is Often Your Best Medicine

Do you ever wake up a little blah or feeling a pending doom?  Maybe there are some unresolved aggravations, or even some major ongoing challenges that are just bringing you down.  You start to think about what’s not pleasant and this negative focus pushes you further down.  Those negative feelings feed negative thinking, which leads to even more bad feelings.  I’m sure you get the picture…. It’s not pretty…. it is like a downward spiral.

I have found a way to reverse the direction on that spiral, and go up instead of down.  When you find yourself spiraling downward, become thankful. Give thanks for your current situation, your family, friends and relationships, for the plans you see on the horizon and for past and future successes. Whenever I do this, I am overwhelmed with a deep sense thanksgiving and positive thought that overwhelms the negative or critical thoughts in my head.  Find and focus on the good things of life.  You’ll be amazed at where you can go. Once you feel better, the best thing to do is to get into action.  Make it a good day!

If you need help maximizing the performance of your business call Ohio Business Coach Ralph Berge, 440-838-0991.

North East Ohio Business News

business (6)As spring finally arrives in Ohio, I walk around my neighborhood and can see for myself the great number of houses that are up for sale.  According to the Ohio Association of Realtors, the numbers of houses or condominiums that are up for sale are higher than last year’s as more people want to take advantage of the historically low interest rates. Keep reading the information below to give you a better understanding of what is happening in North East Ohio this week.

March Pending Home Sales Index for Ohio

The Ohio Association of REALTORS reports that the number of single-family homes and condominiums put under agreement in March rose for the 23rd consecutive month compared to the results from the prior year.

Goodyear, union begin contract talks for 6 plants

AKRON, Ohio — With the backdrop of an uncertain economy, shrinking unions and company cost-cutting, Goodyear and the Steelworkers are negotiating on a new national contract covering 8,000 tire workers at six plants.

The first round of talks in Cincinnati ended Thursday and recessed.

Cleveland Foodbank wins national award for excellence in food banking

The Cleveland Foodbank received the 2013 Mary Ruth Herbers SNAP Outreach Excellence in Food Banking Award at the annual Feeding America Network Executive Directors’ Forum recently held in Nashville. The award is given to the year’s most outstanding SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly known as food stamps) outreach program from the 202 food banks across the nation in the Feeding America network.


Ohio Business News

Although winter in Ohio may be far from “fun” in the dead of winter, there is some good news for you to think about this year.  The following article will give small business owners a little incentive to keep working and promoting business in Ohio.

Texas Tops List of Best Small Business Tax Systems, California At Bottom

If you were to choose a state to do business in based solely on state tax systems, Texas and North Dakota would be at the top of the list. And at the bottom?  Try California, Hawaii and New Jersey.

Produce industry to hear federal food safety update April 30 in Wooster

WOOSTER, Ohio — If you’ve been following the produce industry over the past half-dozen years, chances are good you’ve heard the words “food safety.”

It’s been a hot topic in the industry amid costly food borne illnesses and concern over the general safety of raw produce.

White Castle Going ‘Green’ with Compost Made from Food Scraps

COLUMBUS, Ohio – White Castle is proud to announce its stepping up efforts to become ‘greener’ this Earth Day by using a new compost made from restaurant food scraps. To celebrate Earth Day, White Castle planted flowers using the new compost.

Spring Cleaning – Trash Removal Time!

I was talking with a client recently about how she let the trash accumulate over the years. I told her I really understood. It happens to all of us. So we need to find time to clean up and take out the trash. It also occurred to me we’re not just talking about the junk and stuff that needs to be regularly thrown out.

business (2)If you want to be your best in business today, you need to learn to regularly remove the trash not only from your workplace, but from your head!  Your mind is like a garden.  You plant seeds, nurture those seeds as they grow and eventually reap a harvest.  Your mind is a field ready to produce a harvest.  Your creative ideas are the seeds that are sewn that can produce a cash crop.  But like any garden in creep the weeds – the head trash – the fears and doubt that overwhelm and frustrate and discourage us.  What must you do with this most important 6 inch garden (your mind) if you want to reap a healthy crop?  You must relentlessly clean up those weeds and toss out the trash!

Think about it.  Negative, doubtful, discouraging, hopeless, critical thoughts do not help you or improve your situation.  They are destructive reactions to circumstances.  You need to find and use the right tools. Replace negative reactions with creative, solution oriented, hopeful and encouraging action based thoughts.  Try these questions to help you deal with the trash.  Is what I am thinking absolutely true?  What CAN I DO in this situation?  What are my resources?  What is the worst thing that could happen and how could I handle that?  What can I do today to address my situation?  What are the possibilities?  What are all my options?  Who else can help me?  What is a better approach?  What else do I need to know? What haven’t I considered?  What can I learn from this?  How can I make this work?  What can I create?  Above all else make yourself think positive….ask: What am I thankful for?

Use good questions to weed the garden.  Discipline your mind to be brutally honest and intentionally optimistic.  The hard work of taking out the trash will be worth it.  You will have a clear, positive mind full of creative productive thoughts.  This is fundamental to your success….both in business and life.

If you need help identifying and disposing of the trash or maximizing the performance of your business call Ohio Business Coach Ralph Berge, 440-838-0991.

Oil Dreams Fade in Ohio

These are some of the news for Ohio that is making headlines.

In Ohio, Oil Dreams fade amid ‘disappointing’ drilling results

FRACKING: Optimism over an Ohio oil boom fades  as drilling companies sell off leases after disappointing early results: “It’s not as good as we thought it was going to be.”

Ohio Utica Shale oil dreams fade as drillers pack up

U.S. drillers that set up rigs amid the rolling farmland of eastern Ohio on projections underground shale held US$500-billion of oil are packing up.

A homegrown revival of the rubber industry in northeast Ohio 

In a typical week, the show will cover not only all the big news stories, but also the stories behind the stories, or some of the less crucial but equally intriguing things happening in the world.

Ohio Business News

From August to December 2009 when Ohio’s unemployment rate shot up to a whopping 10.6%, and the United States rate was 10%, we have seen a steady decrease of Ohio’s and the United States unemployment rate.  By December of Last year, the unemployment rate for the United States was 7.8% compared to Ohio’s 6.7%, so, are business owners and corporations doing better in Ohio than the country as a whole?  Below, you will find news that sees business owners looking at the future in Ohio with more optimism.

Business owners in Ohio more optimistic

Owners of small and medium-size businesses are slightly more optimistic about how they will fare in the coming months than they were in the fall, when the presidential election and worries about the “fiscal cliff” dominated the headlines, according to a PNC Bank survey released yesterday.

Ohio’s Senate president hints at a small-business tax cut

Tuesday, Republican leaders of the Ohio House of Representatives unveiled a plan for big changes in Gov. John Kasich’s proposal for a big income tax cut.

State of Ohio puts money behind Bizdom, Shaker LaunchHouse

The state of Ohio is about to start backing two business accelerators in Northeast Ohio instead of just one.

“Flying in the Fog – The Importance of Financial Mastery”

I flew airplanes for a few years. While flight was always exhilarating, a pilot learns quickly how conditions like fog affect your ability to fly safely. For those non-pilots, you have likely driven an automobile on a foggy night with low visibility.  There is really not much you can do but slow down.  But that is not an option when you are flying an airplane.  You are dependent on your instrument panel to tell you what is happening.  This is certainly no time to “fly by the seat of your pants”.  You need to know your instruments and you need to know critical numbers like air speed and elevation.  Your system is telling you your position and helping guide you to a safe arrival at your destination.

The same is true in business. As a business owner, you’ve probably “felt the fog” while “flying the plane” of your small business.  You need to be watching your instrument panel to successfully navigate the challenges.  The instrument panel of business is financial reporting.

Today I want to focus on Financial Mastery, which is a business’s instrument panel.   I can already hear the groans from some of you.  The fact is that financials can be FUN!  It really is a great feeling to know what is going on, and be planning your activities based on great feedback.  DENIAL is not bliss.  NOT KNOWING is why many small businesses struggle and often fail.  They run out of money.

So let’s take a brief look at the most important issue in financial mastery – cash flow.  The foundational tool to manage cash flow is a cash flow budget.  Simply put, a cash flow budget is a tool to plan and track your cash coming into the business, and leaving the business.  Cash is the fuel for the business.  For us to continue to fly, we must always have fuel in the tank and flowing to the engine.  A cash flow budget is a weekly or monthly summary and projection of money coming in and money going out.  It is important to understand that cash is NOT profit.  I have spoken to many business owners that are confused because their P&L statement shows a profit, but they have no cash.  For example, not only must you sell, but you must collect the money.  Also, if you have periods of time where your business is not profitable (e.g. a seasonal business), then you need to have other sources of cash available (e.g. savings, lines of credit) so that you don’t run out of gas.  All of these issues are displayed in your cash flow budget.  It is the fuel gauge for your business.

Now is the time to make sure that you have a working fuel gauge.  We would love to help you get a good cash flow budget in place for your business.  Next time we’ll take a look at another key financial mastery tool – breakeven.  This one helps you determine the profitability of your business and helps you understand what the business must produce to provide what you want.   


To check out your instrument panel and improve your strategic  business plan in 2011…call Ohio Business Coach, Ralph Berge 440.838.0991

Do You Have A 4-H Club?

For those of you I’ve coached and others who have sought customer advice, you have heard me say “don’ be afraid to fire a customer”. Frankly this has shocked a few business owners. So to help I’ve worked with them to study and classify their customers. We do this by establishing who they are: A, B, C or D customers.

Another way to look at this is by establishing your own 4-H Club: Hilarious, Happy, Hassle or Horrible.

Here is how the concept fits together:

A (Awesome) customers are Hilarious

B (Basic) customers are Happy

C (Can’t Deal With) customers are a Hassle

And D (Dead) customers are Horrible

Think about your customers.  Typically 10-15% are horrible. They drain the money and energy from you and your business.  Another 10-20% are hilarious and are a sheer delight to work with and serve.  The other 65-85 % are either basically happy or a hassle.

As a business owner, your responsibility is to free yourself from horrible D customers by finding someone more appropriate to serve them. You also must be taking the hassle out of dealing with C customers by raising your prices and better positioning (converting them to B’s and A’s).  And, finally enjoying your happy B customers, and celebrating and laughing with your hilarious A customers.

Another way to think about this is to:  Imagine and dream of your ideal customer.  What do they say to others about your service and product?  How much do they buy from you?  How do they treat your team?  How concerned are they about your success as well as their own?  How do they feel about the value you bring to them and your pricing?  How loyal are they?

Do you have a clear picture of these magnificent, appreciative people?  You should, because they will help you and your business be successful.

Here’s the coaching question(s) of the moment:

Why would such a customer choose your business?

Why would they buy from you?  What changes do you need to make, and what kind of business do you need to create to attract and keep such people?

The truth is that it is our responsibility as the owner to create a business that will attract our ideal customers.  Stated another way, you will always have the customers you deserve.

Here’s my coaching challenge for this week:  Get with your team and ask these (above) questions, and then create an action plan to start doing and being what you need to be to attract and keep the very best customers and to position those C customers higher in your 4 – H Club.  I would love to hear some practical ideas that each of you are implementing.  Call me with some of your thoughts concerning this concept.  Hilarious, Happy, Hassle, or Horrible.

Who you want to work with and serve is your choice.

Find those prefect customers and improve business sales in 2011…call Ohio Business Coach, Ralph Berge 440.838.0991


Are You Keeping Your New Year’s Resolutions?

I know it’s only just started, but how has 2011 been going for you? Did you create some New Year’s Resolutions?

If you did, you might be interested to know that University of Minnesota research showed that 80 percent of people give up on their goals after only two months.

Will you fall into this majority — or will you achieve the success you crave?

There are often many reasons why we don’t achieve our goals. Sometimes the goals we set are unrealistic. Actually, New Year’s resolutions are typical examples. Suddenly, we expect to change the way we eat, or the way we exercise just because the calendar changes. It’s like expecting a child who’s never ridden a bike to suddenly jump on and go, or for you to run a marathon without months of training. These goals are based on illusion with little regard to natural growth. You must be able to crawl before you walk.

Over several decades, I’ve studied the great achievers of the world. What I discovered is they all share certain characteristics — and I immediately set to work, examining each characteristic of their achievement. My goal: to determine how I could break these down into easy-to-apply techniques anyone could use to successfully achieve their goals.

So, how do we set and achieve goals? Stephen R. Covey says it best in his book “7 Habits of Highly Effective People”. “To begin with the end in mind means to start with a clear understanding of your destination. It means to know where you’re going so that you better understand where you are now and so that the steps you take are always in the right direction.”

The benefits of Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Results orientated, Time-framed (S.M.A.R.T) goals have been written about for years. So, it follows that goal setting is obviously a powerful process that will achieve success with your goals.

Here’s an example of a S.M.A.R.T. goal that you might have chosen for 2011:


My goal is to maintain a healthy body.


So that:

I can be fit to do the things I enjoy.

I can be an example to my children in health management.

I can build my personal character strength


Good nutrition: I will increase my intake of fresh fruits and vegetables and decrease my intake of sugar, fats, salt and red meat.

Physically: I will exercise aerobically 3 times a week for 30-minute periods.

Focus: I will be aware of my body and look out for any health problems.

Focusing on the smaller, short-term goals and achieving success will give you the confidence to set other goals. We remind clients it’s about, “eating the elephant, one bite at a time” and of turning your goals into achievable, actionable things. It’s the common denominator of successful individuals and businesses.

So, remember, set your goals based on the S.M.A.R.T. principle to have the best chance of achieving your goals.

Make 2011 your year of setting sensible, achievable goals…That’s great New Year’s resolution!

Improve your team and yourself in 2011…call Ohio Business Coach, Ralph Berge 440.838.0991