Should Ohio Raise the Minimun Wage Again?

business (3)The 2014 Ohio minimum wage beginning this past January went from $7.85 to $7.95 a bit more than the Federal national wage of $7.25, and now the small business community supports a higher minimum wage that some experts believe is good for the economy.  For more news about this and other topics follow the links below.

Why we still don’t know how many small businesses signed up through Obamacare

And why it’s probably not very many.  

In contrast to the widely publicized enrollment numbers on the health care law’s individual marketplace, there’s apparently no way to know how many business owners and employees have signed up through the law’s new small-business exchanges.

By all indications, though, it’s not very many.

One House Republican has twice asked federal health officials to provide data on how many owners and employees have enrolled in and paid for plans through the law’s new insurance marketplaces for small businesses. Since the launch last fall, the employer portals, known as SHOP exchanges, have suffered even more technical problems and delays than the exchange for individuals and families.

“The SHOPs opened, although without online enrollment and many promised features, on October 1, 2013,” Rep. Sam Graves (Mo.), chair of the House Small Business Committee, wrote in his latest letter to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, which oversees the exchanges. “Over seven months later, we still do not have any federal and some state SHOP enrollment data.”

A Higher Minimum Wage Is Good for Business

Small business owners realize the benefits of higher pay and a stronger consumer class.

Five years ago this month, the minimum wage reached the lofty sum of $7.25 per hour, the last step in a series of increases Congress set in motion in 2007. It hasn’t been raised since, and after taking inflation into account, the minimum has fallen to an adjusted level of only $6.54. That may change soon. Support for a higher minimum wage now comes from an unlikely source: the owners of America’s small businesses, and CEOs of some the nation’s largest and most respected brands. Meanwhile, recently published research shows that wage hikes at a modest level don’t kill growth and jobs. In fact, the states that have raised their minimums have enjoyed above-average economic growth.

Last week the American Sustainable Business Council and Business for a Fair Minimum Wage released a report of a scientific national poll of small business owners. The poll involved a live telephone survey of 555 small business owners, with between 2 and 99 employees each. Respondents spanned the political spectrum, all regions of the country and a broad cross-section of industries.

Net neutrality important to small businesses, customers

Let me offer the following small-business parable:
Lou owns a small business, a pizzeria, in a city with only one highway.
Everyone must use this one highway to get to work, go shopping, see a movie and connect with friends. It’s a critical infrastructure for the whole community.
Lou uses the highway for home delivery of his pizzas and to get supplies for his restaurant.
Until now, everyone in the city could use the highway equally. But the on-ramps to the highway are privately owned.
Even though the highway was built with government money, one day the on-ramp owners decided to create a fast lane. Now you have to pay them a lot to get anywhere if you want to get there quickly.

Lou’s competitors — huge national pizza chains — can afford to pay this toll. But Lou can’t, so he’s always stuck in the slow lane, which is more crowded than ever.

When a football fan orders one of Lou’s pizzas, it arrives in the fourth quarter instead of at halftime. Lou loses a lot of customers because the highway isn’t open to everyone equally.

How To Spot Problem Employees Before Hiring Them

business (7)How to Spot Problem Employees Before Hiring Them

The whole hiring process requires careful thought and consideration. If an employer is not careful there are many things that can be overlooked in finding great employees. Upon viewing a prospect, the employer should view the initial application carefully to see if there is anything there that appears to be misleading or false. References and past employers should carefully be checked by giving them a call and asking a few unexpected questions and making certain that the past employer has a legitimate company. The past employer can be researched to see if they really exist.

If the application looks impressive, the next phase would be to give the person a call and let them know that their application was received and ask them why they feel they would be a good prospect for the job. It would be a good idea to tell them about the main job duties and ask them if they have experience in those areas. If the applicant is able to answer the questions in a convincing manner then this would be a great time to schedule an interview. If the person does not sound convincing they could be told that that there still needs to be time to view their application. This would be the perfect time to send them an email and thank them for their application and let them know why it was denied.

The interview is the final draw. First impressions mean everything. The applicant should be dressed for success suitable for the interview. Does the employer really express that they are interested in the company or in just getting paid to do a job? Some concerns may be health related problems that may cause this person not to be able to perform well on the job. The applicant should be able to work the hours needed and be able to be to work on time. Does the applicant answer in a way that he or she comprehends the questions asked? Does he or she communicate well and present themselves professionally? The answers to these questions could be red flags that help spot problem employees.

Ohio Business News and IBM’s Data Analytic Center

business (3)Ohio Business News-These are the news happening in ohio today.  From the resurrection  of the small business tax cut to the lauch of IBM’s 500-employee data anlytics center in columbus, it seems the prognostic for Ohio’s economy growth is optimistic.

 Level the playing field for Ohio retailers

Ohio Council of Retail Merchants

The U.S. Senate deserves a lot of credit, particularly Ohio Sens. Sherrod Brown and Rob Portman, for passing the Marketplace Fairness Act, a bill that would significantly help Ohio’s retailers.

This state has always had a strong retail presence, from established stores with a national reach to the mom-and-pop businesses that are the backbone of our local economy.

However in recent years, the industry has suffered tremendously from an inequitable tax code, which has made it harder for hometown stores to compete. Ohio retailers are at a competitive disadvantage because these outdated tax policies have established winners and losers in the marketplace.

Ohio Senate resurrects Kasich’s small-business tax cut, debate over its impact persists

COLUMBUS, Ohio – Ohio’s Republican-controlled Senate has a $1.4 billion plan to boost job growth in the state.

But some say its proposal to slash in half taxes for small-business owners  wouldn’t translate to many jobs.

Top of the List: Largest data center operators

Central Ohio’s IT scene will look a lot different once IBM Corp. fully launches its 500-employee data analytics center in northwest Columbus.

It is unclear how much of the 30,000-square-foot building will be dedicated to physical servers, said spokesman Scott Cook, but it’s evident the $3.2 million investment will give IBM the area’s largest data center.