Exit Your Business on Your Terms

What can exiting from your business mean to you?  It can be as emotionally difficult as a bankruptcy or forced liquidation or it can be a planned sale with all debts paid, money for retirement and peace of mind. Planning for succession means you should plan to sell when the sale will provide the funds necessary to retire or move on to a new opportunity. It can also be passed on to your heirs, employees or partners with proper pre-planning to fund the sale.

Ralph Berge is a Cleveland Business Coach who helps business owners with succession management.  Succession management is an exit strategy that simply means you have planned your transition and you are ready to take advantage of the options available to you. Call Ralph Berge, Business Coach 440-838-0991 to get moving on your business exit strategy.

Build Survival into Your Business…

Successful business owners share many admirable qualities. They are smart, hard-working, and focused. Unfortunately, despite the hard work factor, Dun & Bradstreet reports that only nine percent of small businesses, with fewer than twenty employees, survive for ten years.  

Running a small business takes an inordinate amount of time and energy, which often leaves owners too distracted to focus on other areas of their lives, which causes many family business problems. When a business is a key component of family wealth, however, it is critical to incorporate family business succession planning to secure its long-term stability. After all, for most business owners, the business represents their single most valuable asset. Generally, it constitutes 90 percent of their wealth. Taking steps to safeguard a business, such as developing a  business exit strategy, helps ensure its long-term survival and success and protect an asset that often represents a life’s work. 

Invest your time in building your business by talking with Ralph Berge, Cleveland business coach about family business planning.

Exit Your Business on Your Terms…

What can exiting from your business mean to you?  It can be as emotionally difficult as a bankruptcy or forced liquidation or it can be a planned sale with all debts paid, money for retirement and peace of mind. Planning for succession means you should plan to sell when the sale will provide the funds necessary to retire or move on to a new opportunity. It can also be passed on to your heirs, employees or partners with proper pre-planning to fund the sale. 

Ralph Berge is a Cleveland Business Coach who helps business owners with succession management.  Succession management is an exit strategy that simply means you have planned your transition and you are ready to take advantage of the options available to you. Call Ralph Berge, Business Coach 440-838-0991 to get moving on your business exit strategy.

Is This Your Year to Set a Goal to Exit Your Business?

Is 2010 your year to begin the exit planning process?  

Setting a goal is the first very important step to begin an exit plan for your business.  The common denominator in all the self-help literature and books is the importance of goal setting. We’re told to set long-term goals, short-term goals, lifetime goals and personal goals. Often it isn’t easy….so we just don’t do it. 

There are many reasons why we don’t achieve our goals. Sometimes the goals we set are unrealistic. New Year’s resolutions are typical examples. Suddenly, we expect to change the way we eat, or the way we exercise just because the calendar changes. It’s like expecting a child that’s never ridden a bike to suddenly jump on and go, or to run a marathon without months of training. These goals are based on illusion with little regard to natural growth. You must be able to crawl before you walk. 

In some cases, like exit or succession planning, we don’t know where to begin. Stephen R. Covey says it best in his book “7 Habits of Highly Effective People”. “To begin with the end in mind means to start with a clear understanding of your destination. It means to know where you’re going so that you better understand where you are now and so that the steps you take are always in the right direction.” 

Setting S.M.A.R.T. goals is vital to being successful in the goal setting process. The benefits of Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Results orientated, Time-framed (S.M.A.R.T) goals have been written about in self-help books for years. So, it follows that goal setting is obviously a powerful process.

 Ralph Berge, a Cleveland business coach says It is about ‘eating the elephant, one bite at a time’ and of turning vision to exit your business and create a workable succession plan into achievable, actionable things. It’s the common denominator of successful individuals and businesses.

Part – 10…Five MORE Things to Consider When Selling Your Business

Here are the final five items on our list for family business succession/ exit planning. If you have been following my blogs in recent weeks you have a developed a list of 50 things to consider when preparing to sell your business. The process takes time but I can assure you it is a valuable investment in your business and your future. Check out the list and then invest your time in building your business by talking with Ralph Berge, Cleveland business coach about family business planning. Call me 440,838.0991 and  I’ll send you the entire list of 50 Things to Consider When Preparing to Exit Your Business.


1.       Consider lease vs. buy for equipment

2.       Total cost analysis of products / services

3.       Consider selling the business separate from the real estate

4.       Calculate inventory carrying cost

5.       Think like the buyer

Part – 7…Five MORE Things to Consider When Selling Your Business

Studies indicate that the average business sells in 6 to 18 months from start to close. Once a letter of intent has been signed, the due diligence and closing process usually takes 30 to 90 days.


How can you as a business owner keep the sales process moving forward? Family business succession planning should start years in advance of the sale. It can begin with a simple “to-do” list.  Consider these five thing as the beginning of your  list:


1.       Hire competent advisors and understand their roles

2.       Screen potential buyers

3.       Differentiate your business by creating a niche

4.       Make sure partners / decision makers are on board with the decisions

5.       Plan for training and transition


Invest your time in building your business by talking with Ralph Berge, Cleveland business coach about family business planning.

Part -3…Five MORE Things to Consider When Selling Your Business

Business succession management means your exit plans need to be clear in not just in your own mind, but in a written document that explains how your business operates. Working “ON” your business means working on these five things:

1.       Cross train employees

2.       Create employee manuals

3.       Understand the sales process and timeline

4.       Emotionally detach from the business

5.       Remove non-operating assets

Invest your time in building your business by talking with Ralph Berge, Cleveland business coach about family business planning.

Get More Training

Get more training for yourself and your sales team. Honestly assess your sales and marketing abilities, and if you need help – go get it. You will be benefiting the most by increased sales. It is not easy to get additional education and training if you are in the office doing books or answering phones. Use an Ohio business coach to help you hone your skills to enhance your own business. Call Ralph Berge, a Cleveland business coach.

Know Your Worth in Terms of Time

Think of goals for you and your business…having a tough time? Here’s a great personal and business goal: define your value in your business in relation to the time you put in. Twenty-five dollars, $50, $300 an hour? How much do you charge for your time in your business? What should you charge? These questions will help you better understand the types of tasks you should be doing to leverage your own time and value in your company.

Once you know your value, you will know how you can outsource or delegate certain tasks. As a Cleveland business coach, I can tell you that leveraging your business beings with knowing your true value.

Build Long-term Stability and Survival Into Your Business

Successful business owners share many admirable qualities. They are smart, hard-working, and focused. Despite the hard work factor, Dun & Bradstreet reports that only nine percent of small businesses, with fewer than twenty employees, survive for ten years.  

Running a small business takes an inordinate amount of time and energy, which often leaves owners too distracted to focus on other areas of their lives, which causes many family business problems. When a business is a key component of family wealth, however, it is critical to incorporate family business planning to secure its long-term stability. After all, for most business owners, the business represents their single most valuable asset. Taking steps to safeguard a business can help ensure its long-term survival and success and protect an asset that often represents a life’s work. 

Invest your time in building your business by talking with Ralph Berge, Cleveland business coach about family business planning.