What You Need To Know About Motivating Employees


The January 2016 Gallup poll about employment engagement in 2014 and 2015 shows a .5% increase in 2015.  That said, employment engagement in the United States is still only 32%.  The small increase is minimal, and employment engagement has been flat since 2000 according to them.

Also, according to the Gallop poll information, “Engaged employees are involved in, enthusiastic about and committed to their work” in other words, only one-third of employees in the United States are enthusiastic, or committed to their job.  Many employees believe they have very little or no say in the way they do their jobs, and that their work lives are not in their control.  Many believe the impact they have in their place of work is minimal if any at all.  As a manager, what can you do to improve employment engagement, or motivate them to do better?  Follow the links below for more about this topic.

How to Motivate Employees to Work

Motivation can simply be defined as your willingness or eagerness to accomplish a task. Motivation is what enables you to take action instead of procrastinating about doing something. Motivation isn’t the same as inspiration. A lot of people might be inspired to do something but that does not mean that they will be motivated enough to get started on the work that needs to be done in order to achieve the goal.

So what keeps people motivated at work? Although we need motivation to do almost everything other than just work but since work is what we do in order to make a living, we’ll keep this article to what it takes to ensure your employees are motivated to work and be productive.

First of all, the stress of not doing something that needs doing can sometimes in itself make people motivated to get work done. But not everybody performs so well under stress plus constant stress can affect the health badly.

Have you ever noticed that you don’t feel like doing anything until the deadline of submission comes really close and then you panic and start working all hours of the day. Well that’s the kind of stress some people feed on in order to get things done. So a positive way to ‘push’ people to perform can be by fixing a deadline to tasks. When they know that they don’t have unlimited time to complete the task they’ll be more motivated to work on it.

4 Ways to Motivate Employees to Achieve Phenomenal Results Every Day

Motivating your employees day-in and day-out is no easy task. But, if you want to keep them engaged, productive, and happy, then it’s a necessity if you want your business to thrive. Not only will your employees give you their all, they’ll also be more inclined to stay with you, which reduces the cost of hiring and training new employees.

If you’re looking for a good starting point, here four ways to motivate your employees to be phenomenal every day.

1. Identify and retain your A-Players.

Arguably the most important way to motivate your employees everyday is to make sure that you have people who are talented and can fit your company’s culture. In other words, you want to surround yourself with people who are, asBrent Frei, executive chairman and co-founder of Smartsheet, describes as “A-Players.”

Three steps to making employee motivation work

Engagement is key to employee happiness, says a workplace psychology expert.

Numerous works have been written about how to keep staff happy, motivated and productive. Adrian Furnham, professor of psychology at University College London for the last 25 years, can write his principles of good people management on a small piece of paper.

First priority is setting clear objectives. The second is supporting employees to do their job. The third is providing constructive feedback.

Stick to these and you won’t go far wrong, he says, even in a disrupted working environment where the pace of change is breakneck and managers are struggling to separate threats from opportunities.

“People always think that change is faster in their generation than in any other,” Furnham says. “However, I think there is reasonable evidence to suggest things are changing faster than ever before, particularly in relation to technology. We are all so interconnected now that changes in one part of the world create changes everywhere else.